SS Springs on 75 Duster

The hot august days are killing me and this week forecast is for 109 each day.....Had a 4 day weekend and figured i could get this roll bar in noon each day i was dead from the heat. Plus on Sunday i did not work on it since i had to clean up my garage at from the AARcuda were all over one of the bays...

Got the main hoop got the rear struts some minor welding to complete the struts....Then I am going to install the rear firewall as I need to cut opening as for the struts...
And then install the hoop cross support .....I think I am going to call it quits at that point for now. I will need to get the seat reinstalled as it will need to be raised in the back plus a back support to connect to the cross bar on the main hoop. This leaves me the forward struts....that makes it a six point.......I will complete the additional bars for the main hood support later to make it a 8 pt.

I want to run this car on Sept 6 test n tune. Given the current weather condition where the DA is over 5000 ft I dont think it will run fast then i think it is heavy ...see if I can get it weighted at the track ...