Just got the wind knocked out of me.

2-10:30pm! Ooo,that stinks. You have no real time for anything unless you get up around Butt crack-30 am and get in the saddle ASAP. Dang!
I can sometimes get an hour or two in the garage in the mornings, but only if I actually get up and get moving.
I'm a custodian at a high school. What really sucks is summer time. We do 4 10hr shifts. 8am to 6:30pm , half hour ride home. Make dinner maybe an hour of TV then bed. You have no time to do anything till the weekend. Fridays off, but by then your too tired to do anything. 10 hour days of moving furniture, stripping and waxing floors, etc is hard in an old man. I used to like summer, now I just try to survive it.