Stop in for a cup of coffee

Mornin's the coffee
Even when it's bad it's good.
I have a local radio station that plays the old stuff I listened to as a kid. Still enjoy listening to it.
When we travel we have a satellite station and can pick between 60's and 70's music.
I like to put the oldies stations on in the duster. Either that or pop in one of my 50 year old cassettes.
Just sounds right over the junky radio I have. lol
And I just burned a bunch of vinyl's. I couldn't find anyone who wanted them. Even had them at Carlisle
I have a newer turntable that plays a digital signal. Need to find a place to set it up and record some of my albums to something I can play back in the car.
Do you know what a 45 album is???

If yes, then you're ancient....
A 45 is not an album.

You folks remember 78’s?

Looks like more for phone/data cable work. I need a crimper for the packard types. We have one at work I want to find for myself. It’s an ‘AMP service tool’.

Good Morning
