Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well trap,season is officially over, attended the banquet this evening. Just North of 1,000 shooters in 9 Divisions. We were in the top Division and we were locked in a struggle with another team all season for the title. Literally went down to last day, yep we lost! The Team that whipped us is made up of a bunch of seasoned shooters that hang out at the range all day as most retired many years ago. Them boys are just plain tuff to beat. I got recruited tonight to shoot on the local universities Team for fall league but it is not the same. Fall league is a free for all. Our Summer Team is already plotting the old guys demise for next year. Them boys have won the trophy so many times I am not sure the engraver could even spell another teams name. It was great fun, our Ladies Team tied for first in their division. They had to change their team name as last year they were the Boobie Traps. Pretty witty, but apparently not PC enough. Sipping a well deserved toddie and dreaming of fame and glory missed! Hah!