Stop in for a cup of coffee

When my dad had his video store in the 80's, he had a customer that was an ex military pilot...

He once bought a Corsair for 50,000 and later sold it for 200,000....

That guy had some good stories...

He told my dad a story about one time he had to fly co-pilot on a trip back from Africa and they had some poisonous snakes for cargo... Half-way through the trip, the pilot told him to go back and check on the cargo... :wtf:

He said, "Why not have the navigator check"???? so the pilot told the navigator to check on the cargo.... :poke:

A half hour goes by and the navigator had not come back, so the pilot told Bob to go check on him... When he looked in the cargo area, he saw the navigator dead and swollen on the floor... He went up and reported that to the pilot... :wtf:

Apparently a cobra had escaped its cage and was loose in the plane... :eek:

So they radio ahead before landing telling them what happened... After landing they were not allowed to exit the plane until some "snake experts" could come and locate the loose snake in case it would escape while they opened it up to get out...

They had to sit on the runway for 4 hours before they were allowed to get out of the plane... :mob:

After getting out of the plane, Bob went to his superior and said "If you give me another mission like that I quit".... :mad:

That was way before the movie "Snakes on a Plane" ever came out.... By about 30 years.... :popcorn: