Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey TJ, I just sent you a pm asking for your cell phone number as I may need some advice on trying to get my sister in law's 2004 Jeep Wrangler running...

If you can give me some direction on what I can do to get it started, I would appreciate it... :thankyou:

I also included Mitch as he's good with working on these new fangled things...

If you guys can help walk me through the diagnosis, I would appreciate it...

Thanks for the advice guys, but we crashed and burned on getting the Jeep started...

The sister in law and her male friend took her battery to the parts store to get it charged and checked... But it ended up having to take overnight for them to charge it...

However I succeeded on getting the father in law out to see his wife at the hospital... That turned out to be an ordeal...

We didn't get to go to the hospital until 7 PM... It was a half hour drive to get to the hospital... We get off on the exit for the hospital and traffic was backed up because there was a roll over accident at that intersection and lots of emergency vehicles involved in that....

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After getting by the accident, we had to circle around the hospital 3 times to find out where the entrance was because it was hidden by a tall row of trees and shrubs... :mad:

So I drop him off at the main entrance and park the car... He's 84 years old and is very slow and shaky walking... After parking the car, I go meet back up with him and we start looking for her room... Nobody told us what room she was in and there was nobody at the front desk to help us... So we text the ex wife and her sister asking what room and no answer... We then find a hospital employee and he tells us to go to the 4th floor for ICU....

We get to the 4th floor and as soon as we see the door for the ICU wing, they make an announcement that visiting hours are over and all visitors have to leave... :BangHead:

I hated to give up and leave after getting this far...

Now we're trying to figure out how to get in when a visitor comes out the locked door for the ICU wing and we get him to hold it open for us... I'm pushing the fil in a wheelchair as he's so slow on his feet... After getting into the ICU wing, we looked in the rooms on the way to the nurse's station and could not find the mother in law's room... We wait at the nurse's station for about 5 minutes and it's now about 10 minutes after visiting hours have ended... The father in law tells me that they can't kick him out because he's a doctor (he really is a retired doctor)... We catch a male nurse coming out of one of the rooms and he introduces himself as Dr. K and shows his ID from one of the hospitals that he worked at, and we get the nurse to look up her room... I tell the nurse that I came all the way from Chicago to take him to visit his wife and the nurse says that he's from Chicago also... I ask him where and he says the southwest suburbs... I tell him that I'm also from the southwest suburbs and he ended up being from Midlothian which is only 7 miles from me...

We then find out that the MIL is on the 2nd floor, so we go down there... We get to the door of the ICU wing and it's locked... :mad: However I pick up the phone and ask them to let us in and the lady on the phone unlocks the door for us... Now the ex wife texts us the room number which we already know... :realcrazy:

So we get into the proper ICU wing and find her room and were able to visit the mil... They were evaluating her when we got there and we waited for them to finish... They did not tell us that we had to leave and let us visit... :thumbsup:

She is still very banged up and is in constant pain... However she was able to have a normal conversation with us and is able to answer questions... After about 15 - 20 minutes, she told us that she was tired and asked us to leave, so we did... On the way out I asked the fil if we should talk to the nurse or doctors to find out her condition and he said that wasn't necessary as he knows from watching them do her evaluation... He's seen everything in his career as a doctor and knew from watching them and asking a couple questions while they were doing the evaluation...

So we leave and I took him to the drug store on the way home to get him a walking cane to help him get around... After a few minutes with the cane, he was getting the hang of it and was getting around much better... He's unstable without the cane and is worried about falling down, the cane helps give him some stability with something to lean on and can get around much better... He thanked me for taking him to get the cane...

I drove him down the street from the drug store and showed him a repair shop that he can have the sil's car towed to this week if the charged up battery does not get it started when it's ready today... Then we stopped at a restaurant on the way home and got some carryout and we had dinner together at his house... Then it was getting late and I left to come back here...

We made a great team asking the hospital employees nicely for help and him flashing his doctor ID card and accomplished our goal to see his wife... This was the first time he was able to see her since the 2 1/2 weeks ago that she was in the accident...

We even though we didn't get the Jeep started, we were able to accomplish the more important goal of visiting the MIL in the hospital and she was greatful that we stopped in...

Here's pictures of the Jeep...

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