Gasoline smell in cabin

Hi all. Just wondering if anyone can help. I have installed an Edlebrock performer 1405 600cfm carb. All works quite well although when I give it wot for 5 seconds of more I will get a gasoline smell in the cabin after I back off and then it goes away. Only at wot. There are no leaks what so ever. All other throttle positions is o.k. Before I had a Holley 650cfm vac secondary carb installed and that did not have that problem no gas smell. Does anyonw know why the Edelbrock does it?
Billy D...
Edelbrock carbs are a very simple carb to work on. Pretty much a set and go affair.

Do you have a pressure regulator installed between the pump and carb? These carbs like 4-5# of pressure. Anymore than that and it will hold that fuel bowl up, over filling and eventually leak around the top gasket.

You can check this by pulling the airhorn. There are two cavities behind the secondaries, if they have fuel in them then the fuel is bypassing the gasket. While you have the airhorn off, check the float level as too much fuel pressure will bend the little tang that contacts the float needle which in turn affects the float level. I hope this helps you.

Good luck,