Diaphragm clutch and free play
i have a 67 dart with a 383 and a four speed I am working on and I am running into some issues with the clutch fork clearance with the headers.
I have long tube TTI headers that are contacting my clutch fork. I dimpled the headers to the point the fork and rubber isolator doesn’t contact the tube when the fork has the throw out bearing contacting the diaphragm fingers. I also can move it about a quarter of an inch before the rubber insulator will contact the tube. However, when I put the metal washer that rests against the rubber insulator that the lower clutch rod extends through, that metal washer does contact the tube when the throw out bearing is touching the diaphragm fingers. And I have no free play at that point.
I know the FSM says there should be about 3/32’s or so of free play in the clutch adjustment, but that was for a different style clutch than what I have installed. So how much free play would I need for the style clutch I have in there now?
I went with these TTIs because I was told they would work with the four speed (and power steering). But I really have to rework this one tube to get everything to line up.
To hammer the tube I am disconnecting the header from the engine, raising the engine up and tilting the header back so I can get to the area to dimple the tube. Even then I don’t have much room to swing to dimple the header. I am not taking the header out to hammer it because it is more than a pain in the *** to do so without a lift. I am at the point If i have to take the header out to hammer it, something else will go in. I’m that upset about it.