Pieces of steel in cylinder??

Sorry... what?

If you're gonna lob one across the bow, at least be direct. how was the admission of fishing weights, which aren't "just lead" anymore, being more likely than "lead shot" from a shotgun shell, which also aren't really "just lead" anymore, "weird ****"?
I was saying my idea could be wrong.

"See and reading " as in...the original Post in this thread and all the pictures of all the ******* garbage going through his engine.lol How in the **** this happens is beyond me. I guess I do things correctly too often to encounter such a thing.

So while I'm over here thinking of somebody put it together dirty left steel shot in it even...its really a case put together dirty probably wrong size bearings and then ran it out of oil of three or four times overheated it to drop a seat and the rest is in the pictures.

Sure it did.