Pieces of steel in cylinder??

Even if you put fishing weights into it...
The pick up screen would have to be missing, have a hole, to suck up weights.
How it didnt lock up is something...

Im saying this...
The seat falling out and the bearings being smeared are 2 separate issues. Imo.
The seat needs a way to get into the oil...it cant from the chamber side without a hole..it typically goes out the pipe...
George isn't wrong about the seat coming out. The rest is separated from that though.
That's my final word. Valued or not..it doesn't matter.

Yeah, you're right on this. I wasn't thinking about the screen. I was thinking just toss them in the breather but that makes no sense when the screen is there... I need to learn to let the thoughts catch up to my fingers before typing :) Doh!