Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ya well with my Swedish heritage wife's family I've had to stomach Korv and thanks!! :(
Once a year around Christmas they would gather. They'd make the Korv using a 100 year old sausage machine and cook up that smelly Lutefisk (fish).
My MNL was a saint and always had a hamburger patty for me.
I survived. :)
When I was young, my aunt Maggie always made mince meat pie, with real meat!! It was horrible, but no one told her, did not want to upset her. Well, fast forward 20 years, at fathers for thanksgiving, been in California, his house was in Indiana. Any way, I said, "you going to make some of that delicious mince meat pie?" The room got silent, Maggie said " I stopped making that years ago, I thought no one liked it!". " I will make a nice big one just for you!" And I ate it. well, me and the Dog! Dad and everyone laughed there asses off!!!