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And that's what's wrong...if you can walk out in 5 minutes with a Glock that's not right. I'm all about our right to bare arms and, I have a lot of arms to bare but, we need to keep this stuff out of the hands of the whack jobs shooting up our children and, innocent people. Guns dont kill people...people kill people. I grew up around firearms and got taught to respect them and the proper and safe way to use them. Never have I had the real thought of grabbing one of my guns and mowing down people for sport....break in my house and that's another story...
NCIS check now a days doesn’t take long. Computers have really sped up that process. The problem is NOT the speed, it’s the fact that states are not required to report into the NCIS system in a timely manner. So that creates a void of information. Plus the fact that illegal purchases are not pursued.

The system is adequate and would work. However, it’s only effective if the information is valid, and violations are prosecuted