Weird Radiator Thingy

There is nothing there that most EFI cars don't also deal with; it's just that EFI cars hide the junk better.
On grocery-getters, EGR is not the devil some/most people think it is. Just look at how ingeniously 74 cars control that blasted device.
The engine cannot have EGR until;
the vacuum solenoid allows it;
Then, she can't have EGR until the intake-mounted CCEGR says it can;
Then, she still can't have EGR until Rad-mounted switch allows it;
And finally,after all that; the amount of EGR is directly controlled and varied by the venturi vacuum.
All this to control EGR to a very narrow window of engine temperature and throttle opening, simultaneously.
Flipping Ingenious.

As for the NOX valve; that there is devilish