Stop in for a cup of coffee

You were saying you speak multiple languages, is Spanish number 2 ?

Always wanted to learn Spanish, lots of people speaking it when I go to other places, would be nice to chat with them. Get my haircut in Florida in the winter and all the barbers are talking Spanish the whole time they are cutting my hair. Don't understand a word of it, but they are going back and forth chatting like lightening.

Met a family from Brazil that missed the previous day's rocket launch when I was out to Melborne Beach. So I gestured with my hands to them about it and then brought up the pictures of the launch I had on my phone from the previous day. All of their eyes lit up because that is what they came to the East Coast to see but they missed it. So we were communicating through the pictures quite fluently even though we did not understand 1 word each other was saying. Body language speaks a lot for itself too. We all had a good time and they left smiling, talking and excited. Pretty Cool . . .