Do you sleep easy knowing your jack is made in China?
I don't.
I've used this one maybe a half dozen times even though I bought it years ago. It's only been under my Neons, only on level cement. I might have used it on the wife's Caliber once to do a rear strut. I always use my jack stands, unless the jack folds before I can get a stand under it!
I had this one at about 3/4 lift, turned around to grab the stand and when I tried to slide it under, it wouldn't clear the car. WTH?
Looked at the jack and it was doing three-wheel-motion like Ice Cube.
Spend the coin if you can, and get an American-made jack. If I'd had my hand in between the hard spots, my hand would've become a soft spot. This is a Larin jack that lived in the trunk so I wouldn't have to use the factory jack, but looks the same as the pawn-store trash I see at lots of autoparts stores. I ended up using the factory jack with a ratchet for the time being.