Help Me Cool Down

Again, how much power do you make at idle? Or cruise? If you have heating issues in those conditions, it's not a shroud that will fix it. The shroud is used when the fan is too far from the radiator. That's all. It's not magic.

It also won't fix other issues like the water pump turning to slow.

Again, what? I made no mention of power... or magic for that matter...


I've had a shroud solve an over heat at idle issue.
The shroud did not cause any problems at highway speed, or well above.
Fan was placed/spaced properly in both instances. Same blade, different spacer.
Could a different pump or pulley have solved the problem as well? Maybe. A larger rad may have too.
Didnt have any of those at hand. Did have a shroud though. Didnt overheat at idle again.

Fan in shroud is more efficient at moving air. Creates a more uniform air flow.
Also it has the fan effectively drawing air thru the entire core...not just the much smaller swept area of the fan blades.