It would be easier, I agree about that. But, all countries was riding / driving on the left side in the beginning. Unfortunately it has nothing to do with the English tea, :D. It has to do with people normally being right handed, so they used the sword in the right hand, and then it was more convenient to ride on the left side of the road so they could fight with the right hand...
In the beginning of cars Norway had the steering wheel on the left side, and was also driving on the left side. The idea was that it was more convenient to sit on the left side of the car so they could see on the edge of the road and better place the car as close to the edge as possible in case they met someone. I don't know when Norway changed to driving on the right side of the road.
Sweden was late at changing, and Norwegians have teased them for that, but since Norway have a stupid clock, we got teased back.
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