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There is an enormous amount of junk on the lighting "upgrade" market. All of it is hyped up as great and terrific; most of it is the opposite. Start here for info on 7" round headlamps. It's even more critical with the smaller 5-3/4" round size (smaller lamps inherently have a harder job to do because a smaller lamp gathers less light from the bulb); far and away the best ones in both sizes are made by Koito ("best" means most efficient in terms of amount of light on the road, focus/light distribution, highest grades of glass and metal, etc). Tough to find them on the open market, but I'm not the only one who keeps them in stock.

Bulbs matter a lot; there's a lot of junk on that market, too. Even if you disregard the worst of the junk (any blue-glass bulb, any bulb claiming "extra white" light) there's still a huge amount of performance variance; ask an expert about your particular application (an expert in lighting, not an expert in making the cash register ring).

"HID kits" and "LED bulbs" are a nonstarter. Really bad idea—unsafe, and also illegal. There are legitimate LED headlamp assemblies; variety of good options in the 7" large round size, two good options in the 5-3/4" small round, and a ton of junk in all sizes.

Relays and stout wiring are a definite yes; see here and here. We have a member on here, @crackedback , who puts together very nice quality headlight relay harnesses.

There are also good upgrades for some of the rest of the lights on the car; see here and here.