Pieces of steel in cylinder??

AFIK Don Bass of TMS Propane (a genius IMHO) came up with the idea of welding plates to the fins of stock pumps.
He worked with Speed-O-Motive and sold a full line
Later many others went into the custom pump business
and yes - it does make a big difference
flow, cavitation, hp required to run, lower pulley ratio allowed, etc
I ran lots of dyno tests
They were used on the Chrysler BBM Propane City Bus Project mostly for San Jose CA
(cam, heads, piston R and D I've mentioned before)
cuts down hot spots
Don was a pioneer in the welding up of the chambers of open chamber MOPAR heads and the development of what is now the KB quench pistons design for open chamber heads.
Another of Don's application was in ground pollution abatement
You would drill a series of wells (induction vents) around the pollution plume- say a leaking gas storage tank) and place a suction well in the center hooked to the intake of your victim motor. Fire the motor up on propane then start sucking the bad gas air mixture- Propane would adjust to how much bad stuff you were burning. Sometimes it run entirely on bad well gas
Now was this easy on seats/ valves/ rings/ cylinder walls
did they run hot- well all over the place 24/7
which is why I spec some of the seats/ valve guides etc that I do
We used plated pumps in these applications
Factory sponsored some of this R&D but never put into production- they gave up on the BBM
BTW MOPAR worked as well as 460 Ford- no way to make a chevy live