Kilmer is an assclown that prefers to have men in his mouth. He talks like an idiot, twitches and jerks like a meth freak and has a voice only slightly less annoying than Rosie O'Donnel or Fran Drescher.
I agree he is an assklown.... not sure what "men in his mouth" means but I'm sure it's not good. He is not entertaining and kinda seems too European for my liking.
My favorite youtuber is uncle Tony's garage.
I agree with the crowd pounding on new Fiats with old mopar names on them.
I got a dodge caliber as a rental vehicle. What an ugly and cheap piece of fecal matter. I couldn't get anything to work right, the battery went dead over night. Turned it back in to the rental place and they gave me a Kia that was actually really comfortable and decent to drive with no problems