Stop in for a cup of coffee

On a best case scenario,more progress equals more money.

Guy shows up to see his car being used as parts storage will get discouraged.should at least see some forward motion to feel hes getting his money’s worth.

And being a shop owner i would be embarrassed. I never pile crap on customer’s vehicles. Dont even lean a broom against it.
Or phrased another way I am letting him use my Demon for storage plus paid him 3500 cash to do it! On plus side he contacted me today and explained Oct 1 for new completion target date. I paid the partial payment cash upfront as he explained it was a way to move me to front of line. Hah! All good in Fargo. I think I will head down to Z mans, swipe some of his muscle relaxers and let him mix me one of his “health drinks”!