Order of assembly? From a bare shell

Made some progress the past few days. Nuthin spectacular, but it's starting to look better. Crawling around underneath ain't bad, its having to switch from roloks to wire wheels to cutting discs(removing plug welds), then forgetting something up top....getting down is ok. It's the getting up that's slowing me down lol. Tight quarters lol Went with Armor Coat, apparently it's made by Rustoleum. Great coverage, I'm happy with it. Moving up to the floor pan next, it should go a little quicker as it's new and requires next to no sanding.
Trying to find and organize pieces for the 8 3/4 lol. Unorganized is an understatement lol.
Back to work next few days, I'll grab more paint and do what OMM/Steve advised with pouring in the 1/4's and rockers.



