Stop in for a cup of coffee
Well, generally speaking, I've found the people of the Northeast to be much friendlier than the people in california. The exception, of course is New York, especially those from New York City, they can be snobby. Same with Boston. Outside of that, I've not found any reason to chose CA over really any other state as far as people are concerned.
There will always be exceptions to the rule. As of now, you do not talk about politics with people here. If they start, you walk off. In general I do not speak to people here. I go to the store, get my stuff, if I run into someone and have to open my mouth, let it usually be brief, go to the cashier, say hello, how are you today, say I am fine, pay, walk out, when half out the door start screening the background if there is trouble in sight, get back in if there is, if not go to the car which I park as far from the store as possible where the car can be parked without other cars on the side. Then go home, and stay. Once in a while someone friendly walk by if I am out working on the Dodge in the morning, might talk a little with them if they stop and look at the car. If not, just mind my own business. Two neighbors we have a good relationship with, the others not good or no relaitonship with them. People around here are very busy, no time for anything. And that reflects the way people behave too. I have no idea why California is in so much more hurry than other states. I would not say people here behave bad, it is more like, they are in such a hurry that the way they behave is a result of that.
My wife is extremely stressed all the time, and when she was in Norway she completely changed, but when back here she is stressed again. Now she have experienced a different way, and talk about it from time to time. When I hear she talk about her job, I am shocked. I am not used to the kind of crap she has to put up with, I would probably leave on the spot and someone else would go home with a black eye. So, if I was a woman, I could not stay a day in California, but then I have no clue how other states treat women either.