I just came back from doctor's office and I talked to some physical therapist guys and a specialist today.
They are saying surgery is a reality.
The main reasons a simple incident turned out so bad is 3. Reasons.
1. I was slightly twisting when it happened, so my back was not straight when the weight did the damage.
2. I was off balance by wearing really high heels, adding to my spine not being straight when I needed it to be to handle the load. I have been lectured about heels before but it is what it is. "Heels throw off good geometry because in a situation like what happened, the feet want to go apart but the knees want to naturally go towards each other and your weight is coming down on it all.
3. I have old hardware in my back from an old injury from when I was a teen.
So, now that the shock is wearing off, time to just do what needs to be done.