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IMO Our "devices" are ruining our lives. People are addicted to Facebook! Just like if they were hooked on a drug... I think this epidemic will come back to haunt civilization.
Like any other device, tool, whatever. It's how you use it. Without devices and FABO it is extremely unlikely any of us would ever have met. I have recently used Facebook a little more than in the past. Some people use it to share and have real communication. Others rarely post any original content. Just share surveys that tell you nothing and sad puppy picture sdaring you to 'share' I will never pass along or even respond to those kind of posts. I think memes can be fun and the whole 'pic is worth a 1000 words' so nothing wrong with sharing them. But not to post one after another randomly having no conversation in between. I'm sure Facebook has actually been a good thing for some people who otherwise had very little contact with anyone. For others it is a place to hide in plain site.