Oversized thrust bearing

You are looking for King Pro Flange thrust bearings.
They are available in .010, .020 and .030 over size at the thrust face.
I would expect that Clevite has something similar.
That is excellent info. I just went through the King online catalog since you listed this, and found that the only oversized flange available is in the .060" undersized MB, and is only .010" wider... so not enough to take up the reported wear on the OP's crankshaft. But please check on my reading of their catalog to make sure I have this right. Not sure on the other mfr's.....you'd have to check each catalog to be sure of what specific widths are available.

Hey, crap happens! You caught it which is the most important thing.

Thanks. Im considering that also. All of the Bob weights are marked on the pistons. I'm calling my machinist next week to see what he says. Maybe he'll cut me a break on the cost even though he's already pretty economical. I paid $250 to have it balanced last time. I feel stupid for not catching this at first.
Yes, if you have to go that route. Not sure it will be cheaper to balance another crank or turn the flange on what you have if you can get the above bearings in a suitable width. BTW, if those marked weights are bobweights, they will normally be in the range of 1800-2200 grams, depending on the actual rods and pistons being used. If the numbers marked are in the 500-700 gram range, then they are piston or piston+ pin weights.