Stop in for a cup of coffee

I will need to add my own back up power for the modem if I switch to a VOIP.
But it at least it will be a real backup; unlike what Verizon offered me - a pack of 12 D cell batteries.:mad:
They've insisted switching phone to Fios would be exactly the same as plain old telephone service.
except I have to provide a power outlet for their box,
and I need to stick these batteries in a the backup power device and plug it into the interface box if power goes out.
ps. non-rechargeable D-cells can't be used, and the back deveice can't be left on when there is no outage or it will drain.

AT&T told me that they couldn't maintain the speed because I was at the "end of the line"... Everybody upstream was sucking up the bandwidth...

Not my fault that I was sucking the hind tit... I like cable internet much better... I think that they offer a 100 Mbps package now for a nice price, they sent me a letter telling me that I can upgrade, but I haven't followed through yet... I wanted to catch up on a few bills first and now want to let them get the new line run... I'm on an 8 --- whatever line right now and they are going to run a 11 --- line when they come to bury the new one soon...