Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have more or less lost it with home depot too. They do not have a single cashier anymore, so they have hired me to do their job. I went in there a couple of weeks ago, greeted myself, and led me to the right aisle, found some, and some It did not know where was. Then I walked back to pay, and told myself, "did you find everything ok, Sir", Yes, I did, I said, I just lied, did not want to tell the poor cashier I had not found everything I wanted. I scanned the parts, and told myself how much I had to pay, and then I swiped the card, and finished the payment, pushed all the right buttons, and when I was done I gave myself the receipt, and told myself, thank you for visiting us, and I was polite and answered sure, and bye bye.
So far so good, but I have yet to get any paycheck for the work I did, and I have not gotten any benefits either. So, I am debating with myself if I want to go back and work for them again.


Lol . . That is a good analogy of the whole deal.

Yeah you go in there as a paying customer and they have 10 rows of cash registers and no one to man them and people are backing up in the lines trying to pay for their stuff. My time is valuable and I want to get out of there.

Same thing with other big stores, all these cash registers and no one to check you out.

No wonder they are loosing all their sales to the internet with free delivery. Even the UPS people smile and joke with me when they are dropping off stuff at my place. They are glad to have the business and a job.