Pieces of steel in cylinder??
Btw under your watch, foreman. You watched..
No not a foreman, an engineer....
I had to make sure that all parts were made to spec and all machines ran to the specs... I certified the machines and parts that they made before they were installed and allowed to run to make sure that they were within spec and capable of maintaining production... Then certifying that all gauges to check the machining were accurate and repeatable for every operation down the line... Two block machining lines, three head machining lines, one head assembly line, and a complete engine assembly line...
I was called when there were problems and had to root cause and determine what caused the problem and get it fixed ASAP... I had the authority to make the call with the quality manager to shut the production down after verifying with design engineering...
It's easy to build only one engine at a time... Try running them down a line with each operator having only 23 seconds to do their job and keep enough engines coming off the assembly line to support two assembly plants and not shut them down... Now that's a challenge...
Finger f*cking one engine at a time in a shop or garage is easy...