Engine bracket question

OP did say 72 V-8 K member

For 67-72
340/360 engine bracket sets are the same.
all passenger side SBM engine brackets are the same.Only the driver's side is different between the 340/360 and the 318/273.
You can modify a 318 bracket to fit on a 340/360; the difference is that the ear spacing on the 340s IIRC is wider so you have to space the bracket to fit the ears.
Also when you are done, only three holes will line up.
also, when you get it right both sides will line up perfectly
By your pics it would seem your trans mount is not in the right place.
Is this a manual trans with a scattershield?
If no scattershield , then I would double check the rear mount and crossmember.
Also, the drivers side 340 bracket will sit flush to the ALL ears with no spacers, actually both sides will lol. But the 318 LH bracket will need the one front corner spaced to reach the ear.
In all other dimensions, the brackets will do the same job.
It's hard to see in your pic, but the lug I'm talking about almost appears spaced.

Actually the more I look at the more I see
The P-side biscuit stud is too far to rear/left, and the drivers side is to far to the front/also left. This can't be a cross member issue. I think it has to be the wrong biscuits.
The biscuit anchors only fit one way so you can't put them on upside(*1) down, and the brackets are on the correct side of the ears and I don't think the bracket can be bolted onto the wrong side; so yeah, IMO the biscuits are wrong.
Lessee if we can get a second opinion.

(*1) Well I guess you could but it wouldn't affect the stud placement unless your studs were offset