Holley instructions contradicting on fuel bowl level ??

It is exact same carb as the first holley carb picture with the clear windows. The needle was already flush when I went to try and adjust and I thought that was odd. But the car ran nice and smooth at idle, but I noticed when I hard accelerated it did a little stutter so I thought i needed to bring to fuel levels up a tiny bit because of the levels being just at the bottom of the sight glass, where the picture above says it needs to be at the middle.

Dave is correct. The old, junk bowls had the single sight plug, which you set the float to have the fuel just trickle out.

The new, nice bowls have a sight window in them. With those you set the fuel level half way up the sight glass.

If you take the two float bowls and set them side by each, you'll see that when setting either bowl to the correct float level for the bowl you are talking about, they come out to exactly the same float level.

The sight window is bigger than the sight plug is why there is a difference. But the float level ends up the same.