Engine bracket question

Well if the engine is just hanging on the chain and levellfrom side to side, then just tug on the corner and it should drop right in.....right? unless the pan is hanging up on the K, or the distributor is stuck on the firewall. Put some blocks under the pan, drop the chain a bit, and POOF! it should drop right in.

Unless maybe you bolted the biscuit into the wrong hole,lol. Take a look at the sample pic; post 15 2nd one down. And 4th

Yeah you got the right shorty biscuits
Oh fuzz, I see your problem; your p-side bracket is wrong, or it's on upside down!.
You see how your biscuit is waaay to the back?
It should be waaay to the front
I think you gota wrong P-side bracket.
You see these brackets marked 340? That's what you should have; notice how on both brackets, the biscuit mounting holes are on the same forward edge (top in the pic)
As you can see the brackets are different from left to right, and yours appear to be identical.
My best advice is to take them both off lay them out like in the bottom picture, and compare yours to the pics or post a pic.

I just stepped out and had a look at mine; on both sides the biscuit is protruding on the forward edge of the engine brackets. So yeah it, it's either wrong or upside down. The more I look at it the more Ima thinking upside down,lol.
In any case the biscuits should be on the lower end after the install. And both should push the engine to the back.