6.1 Hemi into 72 Demon March 2018
Totally understand the mileage thing, paint shop prison is in Minnesota, I am in Fargo! So I typically try and stop by on way home from Minneapolis. It has been explained to me a hundred times the business model body shops use. I just don’t get it, you look a man in the eye and say this or that, well in my opinion that is what you then do. How it has become acceptable as an industry wide standard to blow off completion dates and promises is beyond my comprehension. This aggravation is exactly what led me to painting my last two cars myself. I just really wanted a better job this time. I am reasonably determined not to become frustrated with the process and quite frankly venting on this forum is an excellent way to manage my head. You guys/ girls are all great listeners! But rest assured I will never use a paint shop again I am going back to painting them myself!