Alright so now that the Duster has been back on the road the past few months it's time to tackle this problem once and for all. I met a younger guy (as in 17, I'm 28) in town who has a restored '72 Duster (he is a member on here,
@John_Lemon ) and his windows are rock-solid; he said his wobbled just like mine until he installed new felt/rubber cat whisker seals. I think I will order a set of those, any recommendations for sources? I like Jim's Parts they seem to have the widest selection of parts and have been in business for the longest of the resto companies I've looked at, but a set of cat whiskers from them requires 2-3 week lead time. I see Classic Industries also has them, as well as Dante's Parts. Do they all come from the same source/company? I may also just call up Jim's or Dante's and see what they say. It seems like having the correct cat whiskers is crucial in keeping the windows stable, a few years back I put some felt-only ones in but they didn't really hold the windows at all and didn't help the problem (they were from an auto upholstery/trim shop, not specific to the car).
Also I read through
@TrailBeast 's post a couple more times to understand what he did, I don't think I need to replace any rollers but definitely need new up-stop thingies (plastic pieces that go through the glass) and the rubber on the up-stop brackets in the doors has deteriorated and fallen off. I'm not sure if one of the complete door glass hardware kits are needed ($70 off Dante's not exactly cheap) but it might be a good idea just to take care of the whole shebang.