Help on fixing a vapor lock!!!

Thats what I was thinking. Read the following on an AMC thread available here:
Carb boil over
(reply was in response to adding a return filter - my emphasis added)

Any thoughts?
First. When I wrote it would suck, that was a pun!
Basic vapor return set ups look something like this.
So you can see what will happen if the return is joined to the feed line before the pump.

"liquid on the suction side will boil easier than when under pressure,"

Yes. This is also correct. True for any liquid. As is the reverse. Practical example is automotive coolant systems. They run under pressure so boiling point is moved up above 212 even if running straight water.

That said, vapor lock can occur on the pressure side if there is enough heat at or after the pump and routing prevents the vapor from escaping easily.
Flooding occurs when the vapor does escape, but pushes a bunch of liquid fuel in front of it.