New tv’s and the permissions they ask for.

My wife and I will be having a conversation one minute, then the next, she'll be browsing FB or something and the suggested ads are exactly what we were talking about. Freaks her out. Google used to have a feature built into Android that allowed you to turn it off on the phone but at some point, quietly removed it. Now you have to go into your account settings from a PC to do it. Alexa says they record 15 seconds to give them time to "respond" appropriately, then they were shown to have kept everything... wtf... Samsung, was, in the past activating the cameras in some TV's without consent, Nest thermostats pay attention to what room you're in so they can regulate environmental systems etc. We teach our kids, once its out there, it's out there. And then we turn around and buy the TV that listens to us and watches us... watch TV..., which gets transferred to some storage center, in some building, in which YOU don't have control over. And before you start saying stuff like "Well you shouldn't have to worry if you're not doing anything wrong".... to that I'd reply, in 10 years, when someone is going though a divorce and some attorney, and officer of the court, can subpoena your living room conversation from 6 months ago, from data center XYZ, then lets talk..... wtf... Technology is great, but at what point to we say enough is enough. I lost my **** when a neighbor flew a drone over my property when I moved in. Almost destroyed it. If you can't see or hear it from the street, which is 100 ft from my front door, it's none of your business. I don't want them suggesting things based on what I say or do in my own home. It's hard enough making sense of all the voices in my head.. :)