Got a new welding hood.

Miller digital infinity.

Went to the welding store to swap out a tank, get some tips and new welding pliers (cant find mine??)

I saw this hood on display and i never should have picked it up.....its nice and light, has a great big viewing window and epic head gear.. so i put it on and DAM!!! It is nice!! I evee like the graphics on it.

I ask my buddy about it who works there and he says, man they are slick. We been selling quite a few.

After playing with it and checking my account balance i said "screw it, i want one!"

The sticker on it said 485.00, i paied 430 with a extra pack of lense covers thrown in. So not bad.
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This sucker is the Cadillac of hoods. It wont flash from back light, auto sets the tinnt and the head gear, man it is COMFORTABLE!

I kinda flipped through the instructions looks like it will dam near make you a sammich if you set it too..

I know to most ot seems like to much money but i always tell folks buy the best hood you can afford. Then they ask well im just learning, i can get a nice hood down the road.. WRONG...


For someone like me that wears a hood A LOT. its worth every penny...

Man i am pumped on this sucker. I now have 3 Miller hoods, a lincon, a oldschool non auto hood, a HF hood someone left here and one more that i cant remember the brand of. This one blows them all away!

So if you can afford it and you are looking for an excellent hood. I highly recommend this one!

That is just great ! Being able to see really good when welding makes for some nice looking welds. Less gobs to grind off from the starts, stops, and off track runs.

Nice . . .