Cast vs. Aluminum heads and bang for buck..

if I knew the name of the famous racer who used cast iron I would say like him or her and if I knew someone famous that used aluminum I would say him or her and maybe that would make it more understandable...

I certainly don't know why you're putting words into my mouth and in the end here asking me why I think you're stupid? I don't.
.Also freshening up your 318 heads have absolutely nothing to do with this whatsoever...
. now the second scenario don't forget to add the $99 for the pushrods that you're going to need to make those heads work?
And I won't forget the 60 bucks that I'll need for the special studs to mount mine..
I'm definitely saying I would be stupid to spend the same kind of money I did on my factory cast iron heads knowing what I know now...
I guess what I'm saying if I could do it over again I would do it different with this new option.
And what I hear you saying is if you had to do it over again with this option available you would still do what you did?
as in if you knew when you got those heads everything you were going to end up doing to them and have checked and back and forth to the Machine Shop and all the grinding and Hassell..