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I keep wondering about the shut down power outages there... Is it because they are not maintaining the power lines correctly and now are shutting them down so not to cause fires because of their lack of staying on top of maintaining the power grid???

Pretty much :BangHead:
Funny power thing. When I was working the Space Shuttle complex at S. VAFB I was running a portable concrete plant. VAFB had their OWN power plants, numerous generating plants scattered around the base. If I saw little sparks around the insulators on the power lines on the way to work I knew it was going to be one of those bad electricity days. Tell my oiler "Go warm up the genset." which usually got me a :wtf: kinda look. About 8:30 or so, boom boom out go the lights :lol: My oiler would just look at me and shake his head and go fire up the genset :rofl: