Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning Coffee mob, I am not man enough to back read the million pages put up since I was last on here. Two week story condensed to one paragraph my wife’s father passed unexpectedly. We had a mad scramble to get to airport fly out to Oregon and deal with the aftermath. He was Mormon and I cannot begin to tell you how complex the death ritual was. I was amazed at both the complexity of it and the support the church followers gave to our family. While I am not a supporter of that faith there is no question in my mind that they are genuine and walk what they talk. Just a great bunch of people. My sincere thanks to many on here that reached out and expressed support and understanding. Special props to Zman for the “comms check” and ensuing sitrep relay. I just got home late last night, wife will get in later this afternoon. Just a quick note of thanks to all of you, more later.

Sorry to hear about your loss.
