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My dad sometimes tells about the time he did just that, drove off the road in the north of Sweden and packed the engine compartment full of snow! Glad to see there's some truth to the story! :D

Yes, if you drive off the road in deep snow it fills up up to the hood. When I opened the hood, everything was white, and the outlining from the hood could be seen in the snow. Had to dig out absolutely everything, air cleaner was invisible too. It is amazing how powder snow get packed when you go outside the road like that. No telephones back then with a camera, or I would have let you see.

Interesting... Never had a trailer. So, while I knew they made different tires for trailers, I never gave much thought to why. There are reasons not to swap either way. Just did a little quick google read... While most people know the trailer tire is not speed rated for a car (but seam to forget that when pulling a trailer) They also don't have as good of tread for both wear and traction. Going the other direction- car tires don't have the heavy sidewall that trailer tires do. This is to reduce sway.

If you go to my restoration thread you can see how the new tires look, and on page 1 you can see how it looked with the trailer tires in front.

My second 1965 Dodge Dart.
