Re-using Used Lifters on Another Cam

What Isky cam nm?
bvvc of ISKY adv durations they are unique for his HYD
and for Mega series different for Opening and Closing sides !
we were an isky WD
great quality
revved like crazy
easy on the valvetrain (few warranty problems)
any recent masters or still the 40 year old stuff?
all except his one Max wedge grind and Top Fuel were "universal" masters
Hey wyrm... This is all old Isky grind stuff I am 99 percent sure....designed in the late 60's. Advertise durations on the new hyd I got are at .012 lift, so that 256 is really a slow ramp 270 or 275.
I could not say if they have any newer stuff. This is for Opel CIH and Isky has or can get the blanks.