Re-using Used Lifters on Another Cam

From my short time on the forum it seems like folks here come from all different backgrounds and have widely varying goals.

Some have a good sized budget and are after that last 1% on everything.

Some are just trying to get by building a car with whatever they can get reasonably. This often means living in the “waste stream” of the big budget guys. If you change your cam out every six months, you are probably providing some good used parts to someone who otherwise couldn’t afford them.

Nothing wrong with either one. It is just what it is.

Sometimes the advice on the forum is a little over the top for someone with little experience. A guy asks a question about fuel line. The first reply is don’t use rubber, use stainless steel braid. The next reply is stainless might fail, use gold. The next reply is gold isn’t good enough, use platinum. Of course, I exaggerate...

Not that the above might not be good advice, but OP probably doesn’t want a $500 fuel line on his $2000 car.

I am probably somewhere in the low middle. I would rather have five $20 bottles of wine rather than one $100 bottle.

After being gone from the hobby for ~30 years, I really appreciate all the help here. It has saved me lots of time and money. I like spirited discussions and having fun, but seems like we could all be gentlemen in our disagreements.