Nitrile gloves, or better alternatives?

Thanks for all the input guys! Lots of good stuff here. The Ravens seem to work well for a majority here, I'll give those a shot.
I've always been and 'old school' guy too.. spray wd-40 (more the cheap Wal-mart stuff), brake cleaner, carb cleaner on my hands enough to not leave grease globs on the door handles into the house (the wife doesn't like that, not sure why?), scrub up with gojo orange in the house.. or take a shower with dawn dish soap on a bad day, lol.
I found the Wal-Mart 'engine degreaser' stuff makes a nice hand cleaner.. foams up like soap, and even smells nice. Doesn't do anything as a degreaser... at least I didn't totally waste $ on it.
Last few winters though, my hands have been getting bad enough where they crack and bleed, and my fingertips split and don't heal until spring. I need to start taking a little care... I'm not 21 anymore, lol. Never used gloves like this until a few weeks ago, it is kind of nice just pulling them off when you need to go in the house or whatever.