Second Blueprint 408 issues

Splitting hairs here lol, but are BP buying a plane ticket for Johnny or any other BP rep to check it out?
Is/are BP a "parts store"?
Read my other reply where I said I would be worried about voiding the warranty if Chargrrr's mechanic opened it up for diagnosis.
Your wording "splattered" and "dirty laundry" ???
Yep Johnny appears to be looking after him. As I said earlier let's see what evolves.
Once the "issue" is "found", I hope the OP airs his dirty or clean laundry here for all to see.
This is similar to a Shady Dell
Blueprint shouldn't pay not one red cent unless they see what's wrong and that it was somehow their fault or the fault of a bad part. That's how parts store engine warranties work. A rep is sent out to do a preliminary check, the engine is pulled if necessary and sent in for inspection. Then a warranty determination is made.

I would be calling Blueprint or Johnny directly. FIRST.