Spinal Cord Stimulator

If you could get to the Master Acupuncturist that I go to he would have a very good chance of stopping the pain. He's been doing acupuncture for over 30/40 years and has been awarded the "Master" designation because he knows everything about acupuncture and herbal medicine there is to know. He has helped me numerous times in stopping excruciating/debilitating pain. I wouldn't trust anyone else. He helped me when all the doctors couldn't help and all they wanted to do is operate!! Master Choi always tells me that if they operate it leaves scar tissue behind and makes it more difficult for the acupuncture to work so I always go to him first when I have pain. Good luck with your search.
When I lived in AZ I was seeing a Master Acupuncturist, can't remember his name. He worked wonders on my wrist pain, only problem I had was paying for it. I seen him for a couple of years...until I got to the point that unless I saw him Monday-Wednesday-Friday...at $65 a day...I was getting no relief. Fast forward several years, I had a nerve conduction test done on both wrists. The left side...well....was plugged up like a cheap toilet :lol:. Right side was not much better. Doc, Dr. Horn, that did the carpal tunnel said he was surprised I did not suffer any permanent nerve damage. My wrists have started getting very sore again. Went and had another nerve conduction study done. Went back to see Dr. Horn. He looked at the results..and my cervical MRI...said that I am going to need to get my cervical issues addressed as that is what is causing the numbness in my wrists and fingers.

I have, I had the Stimulator put in on July 30 2019, the best move I've made. I was in a car accident in the late 80's, and have been in pain like you for far to many years, I've taken all the drugs, had all the shots, some worked for awhile some didn't and surgery was not an option for me, when everything stopped working my Doctor and me decided to try the Spinal Stimulator and it was, at least for me a miracle, so I had it surgically implanted, I've been doing very good since, Now I am going to be 62 shortly so I won't tell you I'm doing summer salts or running the mile but I do feel I have my life back as far as getting done what I need to with out PAIN. The only problem now is the withdrawal coming off the Morphine, Oxy and the rest of the damn drugs I was on. When that is over with Oh boy the fun begins! If you need anymore Information just ask and I will do my best to help. Great photos you post, keep it up.

I will have some questions for you, I am sure. Funny you should mention the meds. He has told me that he things that I can, assuming the simulator works, that I should be able to wean myself off of them at home. I have a friend at the race track that was addicted, not defendant but addicted, to Oxy & Morphine. I have a lunch date planned with him, he wants some sort of image that is going to be something completely new to me for the owner of the car he helps with. He has told me that he wants to talk to me about what it was like getting off the meds. His doc wanted him to go into a rehab facility, he refused. He was leery that they would just be replacing one med with another.
My Dad had a gutter business. One of his employees was a ****** addict. Lee lived in my parents basement. Have many memories of going down to the Methadone Clinic. Lee used to park by the falls in Patterson. Every morning I watched him come out of the clinic, walk down the street and duck into and alley...can only imagine what he was doing. Lee died at 38 years of age....from heart failure from the drugs.
My buddy in AZ....he has given up on busting my balls about being on the Oxys. He lost a childhood friend to them. She too had a back problem. She was taking double what I am. She died a few years back. Apparently the pain clinic felt she no longer needed the pain meds...so she ended up on street drugs....the "oxy" she had gotten off of the street was laced with fetanyl.
Jeff...seeing as how you are traveling what appears to be the same path I have a question for you. At what point does one that is suffering from a pretty sever level of pain....and is taking prescription drugs for it....at what point does one cross the line from dependent to addicted? My wife, my primary care doc and my shrink all have told me that I have not crossed that line...but I can't help but wonder.