70 duster points to electronic diet and hei wiring

Yes 4 pin hei module. I did not notice any ‘pin’ protruding from the hei module. Maybe I need to have a second look. Can I not try this setup without bypassing the ballast just to keep it simple and easy to go back to factory distributor should something not work properly? Or will that not feed enough voltage to the hei module?

To simplify the initial run testing you can temporarily connect the power to the coil and module directly off the battery positive, and then once you are satisfied that it's going to run ok then connect it to the ignition wiring.
Grounding the module is normally through the mounting screws on the module, but when mounted to the distributor it's not a bad idea to have a separate ground wire connected from one of the module screws to the engine block or firewall.

I say this because if the module only gets it's ground through the distributor to engine block when you have the distributor clamp bolt loose to adjust timing it's easy to loose the ground.
A direct ground wire on the module eliminates this possibility.

Unlike the old style canister coil the Ecore coils need a constant 12v as does the module, so jumpering the ballast to bypass it works fine as long as the OE wiring is up to it.