Getting ready to swap a 5.7 into my 73 Dart Swinger
Small update I have my engine block now cost me about $2,000 to get everything looks clean looks good time to polish all of the accessories and covers while I drink some whiskey today and think about final things like whether to switch this Ford 8.8 rear end or not and just get a custom driveshaft made already I'll be buying a stand-alone wiring harness just to ease my headache and working these two jobs for a little bit longer but it's seriously starting to drive me insane I'm a Welderr not a magic man and the guys doing my FIT up man I prefer to just do it all myself even if it takes me to three times as long anyways the final sheet metal work patching up that hole I cover the transmission doesn't seem to be hard at all I have access to a break at my neighbor's house you just going to do it all from home and tag take my time file 2 fit