Decluttering the stock 318

What have you against AC? I see you're in Tennessee. I'm in Georgia. Doesn't it get hot up there too? Just askin. AC is nice to have and yours looks pretty complete. It's not hard to get going.

I get it. I love A/C as much as the next guy but man, just call me old school, but I just like seeing the engine without all the clutter. I'm not gonna drive cross country or even an every day driver. I just love and miss driving them, the noise they create and everything about them. I hope to make it to the local Dairy Queen car show every month and even some local road trips. My 10 minute trip work pickup hasn't had air in 15 years and I'm good still. Everything else I drive.......has air. My wife though, she may want it when it's ready. I'll keep everything just in case.