2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Just going off the top of my head. Reground your cam, had preignition problems because of too much compression but did not try and recurve your dizzy, shouted down anyone who disagreed with your carbs even though the are not matched to your combo, bought SM heads 1 because you always wanted them 2 you wanted to run more timing praying they disipate enough heat due to your desire to run straight pump gas 3 added clutch tamer to slip the clutch getting you better 60ft times so it would not shock your drivetrain and break stuff so you can get your et closer to high 11's and running closer to the et your mph suggests.
Im sure I left some stuff out. :lol::poke:
Completely making no sense whatsoever...
how many times do I have to tell you I have never had and do not have a pre ignition problem...
I don't call a distributor a dizzy I'm not a rapper...
I have a full MSD distributor curved exactly how I like it... All the Springs until to change it different but why would I when it runs perfect...
What did the SM heads on my shelf have to do with anything?...
clutch Tamer is a tool you should probably read about it so you know what you're talkin about...